WB3D - World Building 3D

World Building 3D is an advanced environment design class focusing on using both 2D and 3D tools to create stunning environments for games, film, and animation. We will be covering the use of Blender and 3D Coat to model, sculpt, and create a set for use in our environment designs. We won’t just be making a single illustration, we will be building a world. Lastly, we will cover how to take those 3D renders and bring it to a finish in Photoshop.

Focus: We will be focusing on the use of 3D and 2D tools to create environments for games, film, and animation. 

Requirements: Completion of WB1, WB2, IB0, or IB1

Suggested Materials: Pens, pencils, sketchbook, loose paper, markers, digital camera, laptop (not necessary in class) Software: Blender, Photoshop, 3D Coat (optional)

Price: $625 plus $15.99 registration fee (labeled as shipping & handling) For terms and conditions see FAQ.

Pay with installment payments. Click register for instructions. For terms & conditions see FFAQ C17

Location: All FALL 2023 Term courses will be held online.  All material, course structure and syllabus will remain the same.  Class will meet in an online meeting room hosted by Brainstorm School.

Requirements:  Computer with Photoshop and high speed internet.  Mic (highly recommended) and camera (optional)

What you can expect to learn:

  • Thumbnail Ideation

  • Composition

  • Value painting

  • Lighting composition

  • Game play and set design focus

SPRING Time: Wednesday 7:00pm-10:00pm (PST)
First Class: January 24, 2024
10 week course

Instructor: Olivier Dubard, Concept Artist & Instructor
Olivier Dubard is a versatile freelance Concept Artist specializing in games, cinematics, and animation. With experience at Blizzard Entertainment, Microsoft, Sony, and other major studios, he thrives on pushing the boundaries of innovative creative work. Olivier's work at Blizzard helped shape the aesthetics of iconic franchises like World of Warcraft, Overwatch, and Diablo. He's also contributed to animated features, including Spiderman into the Spider-Verse and Hotel Transylvania, showcasing his versatile skills in traditional and digital media. His advanced hybrid 3D and 2D abilities cover a wide range of styles from hyper-realistic to highly stylized, pushing the boundaries of visual storytelling.  


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For refund & credit policy, please see FAQ section C11 & C16 for Mentorship program students
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